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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


OPINION: Local food is great, but can it go too far? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Local food is great, but can it go too far?  
OPINION: Why smart utilities are embracing distributed electricity nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why smart utilities are embracing distributed electricity  
OPINION: We need a global treaty on plastics. Here’s what it should look like. nbsp; Voices OPINION: We need a global treaty on plastics. Here’s what it should look like.  
OPINION: 5 reasons sustainability will transform the global economy nbsp; Voices OPINION: 5 reasons sustainability will transform the global economy  
OPINION: 5 ways to break the link between economic development and resource consumption nbsp; Voices OPINION: 5 ways to break the link between economic development and resource consumption  
OPINION: What would it take to mainstream “alternative” agriculture? nbsp; Voices OPINION: What would it take to mainstream “alternative” agriculture?  
OPINION: To build a better future, we must imagine ourselves there nbsp; Voices OPINION: To build a better future, we must imagine ourselves there  
OPINION: Why development should focus on climate adaptation nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why development should focus on climate adaptation  
OPINION: Let’s take a page from the Paris agreement and commit to a personal climate target nbsp; Voices OPINION: Let’s take a page from the Paris agreement and commit to a personal climate target  
OPINION: How can we ensure the race for clean energy doesn’t leave the world’s poorest citizens behind? nbsp; Voices OPINION: How can we ensure the race for clean energy doesn’t leave the world’s poorest citizens behind?  
OPINION: To build a sustainable world, academics need to tear down the Ivory Tower nbsp; Voices OPINION: To build a sustainable world, academics need to tear down the Ivory Tower  
OPINION: 7 promising signs we’re moving toward a more sustainable world nbsp; Voices OPINION: 7 promising signs we’re moving toward a more sustainable world  
OPINION: Why women and youth are the key to feeding the world nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why women and youth are the key to feeding the world  
OPINION: It’s time to restore the flow of our planet’s life-giving waters nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time to restore the flow of our planet’s life-giving waters  
OPINION: If we want a resilient world, we need to start with resilient data nbsp; Voices OPINION: If we want a resilient world, we need to start with resilient data  
OPINION: CRISPR is coming to agriculture — with big implications for food, farmers, consumers and nature nbsp; Voices OPINION: CRISPR is coming to agriculture — with big implications for food, farmers, consumers and nature  
OPINION: The one thing we still need in order to get to a low-carbon economy nbsp; Voices OPINION: The one thing we still need in order to get to a low-carbon economy  
OPINION: Climate-displaced persons deserve a dignified transition. Here’s how to make it happen. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Climate-displaced persons deserve a dignified transition. Here’s how to make it happen.  
OPINION: In 2016, rain forest conservation needs to focus on these two things nbsp; Voices OPINION: In 2016, rain forest conservation needs to focus on these two things  
OPINION: Why we still need to focus on environmental justice nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why we still need to focus on environmental justice  
OPINION: The best way we can reduce energy’s carbon footprint? Nurture nuclear. nbsp; Voices OPINION: The best way we can reduce energy’s carbon footprint? Nurture nuclear.  
OPINION: How can we create a less toxic world? nbsp; Voices OPINION: How can we create a less toxic world?  
OPINION: What smart businesses know about corporate social responsibility nbsp; Voices OPINION: What smart businesses know about corporate social responsibility  
OPINION: Is zero deforestation possible for the Brazilian Amazon? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Is zero deforestation possible for the Brazilian Amazon?  
OPINION: In 2016, here’s where we should look for new solutions to environmental challenges nbsp; Voices OPINION: In 2016, here’s where we should look for new solutions to environmental challenges  
OPINION: When it comes to addressing climate change, skepticism is easy — but optimism is warranted nbsp; Voices OPINION: When it comes to addressing climate change, skepticism is easy — but optimism is warranted  
OPINION: Two futurists tell us what we need to be thinking about today to shape a healthy tomorrow nbsp; Voices OPINION: Two futurists tell us what we need to be thinking about today to shape a healthy tomorrow  
OPINION: 12 strategies for moving from water scarcity to abundance nbsp; Voices OPINION: 12 strategies for moving from water scarcity to abundance  
OPINION: For Thanksgiving, some positive environmental news to share around the table nbsp; Voices OPINION: For Thanksgiving, some positive environmental news to share around the table  
OPINION: Who’s keeping organic food honest? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Who’s keeping organic food honest?  
OPINION: How climate risk is like a flaming truck barreling toward us, and why it’s time to hit the brakes nbsp; Voices OPINION: How climate risk is like a flaming truck barreling toward us, and why it’s time to hit the brakes  
OPINION: How institutional investors can alleviate climate change while boosting the global economy nbsp; Voices OPINION: How institutional investors can alleviate climate change while boosting the global economy  
OPINION: How we can vanquish pollution within our lifetimes nbsp; Voices OPINION: How we can vanquish pollution within our lifetimes  
OPINION: The number one thing each of us can do to protect biodiversity nbsp; Voices OPINION: The number one thing each of us can do to protect biodiversity  
OPINION: Does a place still have value if it is of no use to humans? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Does a place still have value if it is of no use to humans?  
OPINION: The complex nature of GMOs calls for a new conversation nbsp; Voices OPINION: The complex nature of GMOs calls for a new conversation  
OPINION: What will it take to integrate renewables into the power grid? Ask a bicyclist. nbsp; Voices OPINION: What will it take to integrate renewables into the power grid? Ask a bicyclist.  
OPINION: Want a more sustainable world? Let women lead the way. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Want a more sustainable world? Let women lead the way.  
OPINION: When it comes to the environment, minority communities care about more than injustice nbsp; Voices OPINION: When it comes to the environment, minority communities care about more than injustice  
OPINION: A long-overdue burial for the population vs. consumption question nbsp; Voices OPINION: A long-overdue burial for the population vs. consumption question  
OPINION: It’s time for the health care industry to raise its voice on climate change nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time for the health care industry to raise its voice on climate change  
OPINION: The dangers of separating science and environment nbsp; Voices OPINION: The dangers of separating science and environment  
OPINION: It’s time to invest in clean energy in Africa nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time to invest in clean energy in Africa  
OPINION: Let’s stop treating our soil like dirt nbsp; Voices OPINION: Let’s stop treating our soil like dirt  
OPINION: Three things we must teach our kids if we care about our planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: Three things we must teach our kids if we care about our planet  
OPINION: Global food security is a moral imperative nbsp; Voices OPINION: Global food security is a moral imperative  
OPINION: If we quit oil, then what? nbsp; Voices OPINION: If we quit oil, then what?  
OPINION: Agroecology can help fix our broken food system. Here’s how. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Agroecology can help fix our broken food system. Here’s how.  
OPINION: It’s time for a new story of humanity’s place in the world nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time for a new story of humanity’s place in the world  
OPINION: Putting the world’s challenges at the heart of business nbsp; Voices OPINION: Putting the world’s challenges at the heart of business  

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