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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


OPINION: We know what sustainable development should look like — now let’s do it nbsp; Voices OPINION: We know what sustainable development should look like — now let’s do it  
OPINION: Want to change the future? Pay attention to the past. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Want to change the future? Pay attention to the past.  
OPINION: The hidden risk of negative emissions technologies nbsp; Voices OPINION: The hidden risk of negative emissions technologies  
OPINION: We’re all in this together — let’s start acting like it nbsp; Voices OPINION: We’re all in this together — let’s start acting like it  
OPINION: Shellfisheries: Time to prepare for ocean acidification nbsp; Voices OPINION: Shellfisheries: Time to prepare for ocean acidification  
OPINION: How does climate stack up against other worst-case scenarios? nbsp; Voices OPINION: How does climate stack up against other worst-case scenarios?  
OPINION: Only capitalism can save the planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: Only capitalism can save the planet  
OPINION: Beyond Keystone XL: How to win the war on climate change nbsp; Voices OPINION: Beyond Keystone XL: How to win the war on climate change  
OPINION: Environmental activism needs “good cops” and “bad cops” nbsp; Voices OPINION: Environmental activism needs “good cops” and “bad cops”  
OPINION: Why geoengineering can be only part of the climate solution nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why geoengineering can be only part of the climate solution  
OPINION: How to steer clear of the looming climate shock nbsp; Voices OPINION: How to steer clear of the looming climate shock  
OPINION: Could seasteading help solve our global food and energy crisis? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Could seasteading help solve our global food and energy crisis?  
OPINION: Conservation is complicated, and all approaches need to be on the table nbsp; Voices OPINION: Conservation is complicated, and all approaches need to be on the table  
OPINION: Aviation is the key to reducing climate emissions nbsp; Voices OPINION: Aviation is the key to reducing climate emissions  
OPINION: “Novel ecosystems” are a Trojan horse for conservation nbsp; Voices OPINION: “Novel ecosystems” are a Trojan horse for conservation  
OPINION: The leading cause of death in developing countries might surprise you nbsp; Voices OPINION: The leading cause of death in developing countries might surprise you  
OPINION: 9 reasons not to be depressed about the planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: 9 reasons not to be depressed about the planet  
OPINION: We must hear — and heed — the nightingale’s warning nbsp; Voices OPINION: We must hear — and heed — the nightingale’s warning  
OPINION: Here’s a better way to spend the UN’s $100B Green Climate Fund nbsp; Voices OPINION: Here’s a better way to spend the UN’s $100B Green Climate Fund  
OPINION: Building the new environmentalism nbsp; Voices OPINION: Building the new environmentalism  
OPINION: Sustainability requires that we learn to embrace change, not fight it nbsp; Voices OPINION: Sustainability requires that we learn to embrace change, not fight it  
OPINION: Palm oil: not the evil we think it is nbsp; Voices OPINION: Palm oil: not the evil we think it is  
OPINION: To feed the world in 2050 we have to change course nbsp; Voices OPINION: To feed the world in 2050 we have to change course  
OPINION: Can sports make sustainability mainstream? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Can sports make sustainability mainstream?  
OPINION: Cities are the greatest hope for our planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: Cities are the greatest hope for our planet  
OPINION: Divestiture is nothing but a distraction nbsp; Voices OPINION: Divestiture is nothing but a distraction  
OPINION: How some climate “wins” can lead to other uphill battles in the clean energy fight nbsp; Voices OPINION: How some climate “wins” can lead to other uphill battles in the clean energy fight  
OPINION: With more investment, the developing world can lead the way to a low-carbon future nbsp; Voices OPINION: With more investment, the developing world can lead the way to a low-carbon future  
OPINION: We only have one Earth, so we better start taking care of it. nbsp; Voices OPINION: We only have one Earth, so we better start taking care of it.  
OPINION: It’s time to bring nature into our built environments nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time to bring nature into our built environments  
OPINION: Why Eating Invasive Species Is a Bad Idea nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why Eating Invasive Species Is a Bad Idea  
OPINION: If Our Planet Had a Say, Here’s Where Future Roads Would Go nbsp; Voices OPINION: If Our Planet Had a Say, Here’s Where Future Roads Would Go  
OPINION: Unacceptable Levels nbsp; Voices OPINION: Unacceptable Levels  
OPINION: Sustainability: Time to Get in the Real Game nbsp; Voices OPINION: Sustainability: Time to Get in the Real Game  
OPINION: Ecosystems Are Not Machines nbsp; Voices OPINION: Ecosystems Are Not Machines  
OPINION: Why Our Buildings Should Be Made From Wood nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why Our Buildings Should Be Made From Wood  
OPINION: Is sharing really green? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Is sharing really green?  
OPINION: Looking for the secret to true sustainability? Here you go. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Looking for the secret to true sustainability? Here you go.  
OPINION: We need to dramatically change our electrical grid – here’s how. nbsp; Voices OPINION: We need to dramatically change our electrical grid – here’s how.  
Opinion: It’s time to move past the concept of sustainability nbsp; Voices Opinion: It’s time to move past the concept of sustainability  
OPINION: Endangered Elements nbsp; Voices OPINION: Endangered Elements  
OPINION: A Path Forward for International Climate Talks nbsp; Voices OPINION: A Path Forward for International Climate Talks  
OPINION: Corporations Are the Only Thing That Can Save the World nbsp; Voices OPINION: Corporations Are the Only Thing That Can Save the World  
OPINION: Once You Know, There’s No Excuse nbsp; Voices OPINION: Once You Know, There’s No Excuse  
OPINION: The Value of Vultures nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Value of Vultures  
OPINION: When It Comes to Risk, Everyone Needs to Be Heard nbsp; Voices OPINION: When It Comes to Risk, Everyone Needs to Be Heard  
OPINION: There’s hope at the end of the world as we know it nbsp; Voices OPINION: There’s hope at the end of the world as we know it  
OPINION: Time to Take Ownership of the Anthropocene nbsp; Voices OPINION: Time to Take Ownership of the Anthropocene  
OPINION: Question the Norm nbsp; Voices OPINION: Question the Norm  
OPINION: Cultivating the Next Generation of Sustainability Leaders nbsp; Voices OPINION: Cultivating the Next Generation of Sustainability Leaders  

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