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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


Opinion: What’s the best climate action you can take? You tell me. nbsp; Voices Opinion: What’s the best climate action you can take? You tell me.  
Opinion: Why understanding limits is the key to humanity’s future nbsp; Voices Opinion: Why understanding limits is the key to humanity’s future  
Opinion: Climate-friendly food systems start with different values, not technologies nbsp; Voices Opinion: Climate-friendly food systems start with different values, not technologies  
Opinion: Evolving toward community-led conservation nbsp; Voices Opinion: Evolving toward community-led conservation  
To minimize harm from floods and droughts, we need to understand what water wants nbsp; Voices To minimize harm from floods and droughts, we need to understand what water wants  
Opinion: This pillar of the rainforest needs support nbsp; Voices Opinion: This pillar of the rainforest needs support  
Opinion: The big science problem that nobody talks about nbsp; Voices Opinion: The big science problem that nobody talks about  
Opinion: The next eight years will make all of the difference nbsp; Voices Opinion: The next eight years will make all of the difference  
Opinion: We need Nature-POSITIVE Solutions to address the climate crisis nbsp; Voices Opinion: We need Nature-POSITIVE Solutions to address the climate crisis  
Opinion: When it comes to food production, “Does it scale?” is often the wrong question nbsp; Voices Opinion: When it comes to food production, “Does it scale?” is often the wrong question  
Opinion: It’s not only about Paris: Will America confront all the environmental treaties it put in limbo? nbsp; Voices Opinion: It’s not only about Paris: Will America confront all the environmental treaties it put in limbo?  
What does “wild and pristine” really mean? nbsp; Voices What does “wild and pristine” really mean?  
Opinion: This long-standing tenet of American capitalism must change — now nbsp; Voices Opinion: This long-standing tenet of American capitalism must change — now  
Opinion: We need massive societal change if we’re going to survive and thrive on Earth nbsp; Voices Opinion: We need massive societal change if we’re going to survive and thrive on Earth  
Opinion: Pandemic, floods, fires, hurricanes, extinctions — nature is telling us it’s time to build our economy around inclusive wealth nbsp; Voices Opinion: Pandemic, floods, fires, hurricanes, extinctions — nature is telling us it’s time to build our economy around inclusive wealth  
Opinion: Governments must support a just transition for oil workers and their communities nbsp; Voices Opinion: Governments must support a just transition for oil workers and their communities  
Opinion: Let’s not forget the important lessons the coronavirus taught us about supply chains nbsp; Voices Opinion: Let’s not forget the important lessons the coronavirus taught us about supply chains  
Opinion: Corporations need to do more to solve global water problems nbsp; Voices Opinion: Corporations need to do more to solve global water problems  
Opinion: COVID-19 is telling us that it’s time for global systems change — starting with water nbsp; Voices Opinion: COVID-19 is telling us that it’s time for global systems change — starting with water  
Opinion: From today’s tragedy, let’s shape a bold, new trajectory for people and our planet nbsp; Voices Opinion: From today’s tragedy, let’s shape a bold, new trajectory for people and our planet  
Opinion: If we want to increase trust in science, we need to direct more research dollars to rural America nbsp; Voices Opinion: If we want to increase trust in science, we need to direct more research dollars to rural America  
Opinion: We need to keep our water systems — and workers — safe as the novel coronavirus ravages the world nbsp; Voices Opinion: We need to keep our water systems — and workers — safe as the novel coronavirus ravages the world  
Opinion: It’s time for a Project Drawdown for Conservation nbsp; Voices Opinion: It’s time for a Project Drawdown for Conservation  
Opinion: To reduce the risk of future pandemics, we need to move from domination to partnership with nature nbsp; Voices Opinion: To reduce the risk of future pandemics, we need to move from domination to partnership with nature  
Opinion: To reduce the likelihood of future pandemics, we need to rethink our relationship with wild animals and wild places nbsp; Voices Opinion: To reduce the likelihood of future pandemics, we need to rethink our relationship with wild animals and wild places  
Opinion: In a pandemic, we need green spaces more than ever nbsp; Voices Opinion: In a pandemic, we need green spaces more than ever  
Opinion: Put clean energy at the heart of stimulus plans to counter the coronavirus crisis nbsp; Voices Opinion: Put clean energy at the heart of stimulus plans to counter the coronavirus crisis  
Opinion: Scientists must learn how to interact with Indigenous people nbsp; Voices Opinion: Scientists must learn how to interact with Indigenous people  
Opinion: If we work together, 2020 can be a true “super year” for biodiversity nbsp; Voices Opinion: If we work together, 2020 can be a true “super year” for biodiversity  
Opinion: If we want smart cities, we need to double down on rail transit nbsp; Voices Opinion: If we want smart cities, we need to double down on rail transit  
Opinion: Climate change is the new disease of despair. Psychologists need to step up to help. nbsp; Voices Opinion: Climate change is the new disease of despair. Psychologists need to step up to help.  
Opinion: Seven strategies that offer hope for rainforests nbsp; Voices Opinion: Seven strategies that offer hope for rainforests  
Opinion: Two decades ago climate communication missed a huge opportunity. We can’t afford to let that happen again. nbsp; Voices Opinion: Two decades ago climate communication missed a huge opportunity. We can’t afford to let that happen again.  
Opinion: Flying less should be a high-priority climate action nbsp; Voices Opinion: Flying less should be a high-priority climate action  
Opinion: In the absence of strong U.S. government regulation, communities need to take a holistic approach to pesticide use nbsp; Voices Opinion: In the absence of strong U.S. government regulation, communities need to take a holistic approach to pesticide use  
Opinion: Yes, it’s still up to you to do something about climate change nbsp; Voices Opinion: Yes, it’s still up to you to do something about climate change  
Opinion: By dwelling on the downsides of bioplastics, we’re hobbling efforts to make them part of the solution nbsp; Voices Opinion: By dwelling on the downsides of bioplastics, we’re hobbling efforts to make them part of the solution  
Opinion: How do we convince climate change deniers? That’s the wrong question. nbsp; Voices Opinion: How do we convince climate change deniers? That’s the wrong question.  
Opinion: In the face of a looming climate crisis, the late Elinor Ostrom gives me hope nbsp; Voices Opinion: In the face of a looming climate crisis, the late Elinor Ostrom gives me hope  
Opinion: Current proposals to plant trees to fight climate change are badly misguided nbsp; Voices Opinion: Current proposals to plant trees to fight climate change are badly misguided  
Opinion: Instead of flight shaming, let’s be thoughtful and selective about all travel nbsp; Voices Opinion: Instead of flight shaming, let’s be thoughtful and selective about all travel  
Opinion: The Sustainable Development Goals could use a boost — and these five strategies might be just what’s needed nbsp; Voices Opinion: The Sustainable Development Goals could use a boost — and these five strategies might be just what’s needed  
Opinion: Calling all hackers — endangered wildlife needs you nbsp; Voices Opinion: Calling all hackers — endangered wildlife needs you  
Opinion: Why traditional knowledge — not external tech — is the key to truly sustainable agriculture nbsp; Voices Opinion: Why traditional knowledge — not external tech — is the key to truly sustainable agriculture  
Opinion: To succeed, the Green New Deal must tap the power of collective action nbsp; Voices Opinion: To succeed, the Green New Deal must tap the power of collective action  
Opinion: A new generation of leaders understands that individual actions won’t fix our environmental problems nbsp; Voices Opinion: A new generation of leaders understands that individual actions won’t fix our environmental problems  
Opinion: The “yellow vests” show that in France, as elsewhere, a green economy must be a fair economy first nbsp; Voices Opinion: The “yellow vests” show that in France, as elsewhere, a green economy must be a fair economy first  
Opinion: Why we should save the last tiny scraps of nature nbsp; Voices Opinion: Why we should save the last tiny scraps of nature  
Opinion: If you are flying, you should be buying carbon offsets nbsp; Voices Opinion: If you are flying, you should be buying carbon offsets  
Opinion: Green tech metals for renewable energy and other smart technologies need to be sourced sustainably and responsibly. Here’s how. nbsp; Voices Opinion: Green tech metals for renewable energy and other smart technologies need to be sourced sustainably and responsibly. Here’s how.  

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