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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


Opinion: What my mother’s death taught me about saving the planet. We can’t, and here’s why. nbsp; Voices Opinion: What my mother’s death taught me about saving the planet. We can’t, and here’s why.  
Opinion: Energy development threatens big game herds in Wyoming (and why it matters outside the state, too) nbsp; Voices Opinion: Energy development threatens big game herds in Wyoming (and why it matters outside the state, too)  
Opinion: Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it nbsp; Voices Opinion: Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it  
OPINION: Environmental impact assessments aren’t protecting the environment nbsp; Voices OPINION: Environmental impact assessments aren’t protecting the environment  
OPINION: Farmers need flexibility to fight Lake Erie’s algae problem nbsp; Voices OPINION: Farmers need flexibility to fight Lake Erie’s algae problem  
OPINION: If we want our food to be truly sustainable, we need to be able to tell where it comes from nbsp; Voices OPINION: If we want our food to be truly sustainable, we need to be able to tell where it comes from  
OPINION: Environmental impact bonds can help cities invest in green infrastructure nbsp; Voices OPINION: Environmental impact bonds can help cities invest in green infrastructure  
OPINION: Let’s use carbon price dollars for sustainable development nbsp; Voices OPINION: Let’s use carbon price dollars for sustainable development  
OPINION: For people working to protect nature, cities can no longer be an afterthought nbsp; Voices OPINION: For people working to protect nature, cities can no longer be an afterthought  
OPINION: Can China really lead the way to an “Ecological Civilization”? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Can China really lead the way to an “Ecological Civilization”?  
OPINION: Let’s follow New Zealand’s lead and make people and nature as important as GDP nbsp; Voices OPINION: Let’s follow New Zealand’s lead and make people and nature as important as GDP  
OPINION: Now more than ever, scientists need to communicate better. Here’s how. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Now more than ever, scientists need to communicate better. Here’s how.  
OPINION: Science denialism is dangerous. But so is science imperialism. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Science denialism is dangerous. But so is science imperialism.  
OPINION: If we want to solve complex social and environmental problems, we need to think in terms of systems nbsp; Voices OPINION: If we want to solve complex social and environmental problems, we need to think in terms of systems  
OPINION: What a giant snake can teach us about designing cities for the future nbsp; Voices OPINION: What a giant snake can teach us about designing cities for the future  
OPINION: As we rebuild U.S. infrastructure, let’s consider how less might really be more nbsp; Voices OPINION: As we rebuild U.S. infrastructure, let’s consider how less might really be more  
OPINION: We need to talk about how logging in the southern U.S. is harming local residents nbsp; Voices OPINION: We need to talk about how logging in the southern U.S. is harming local residents  
OPINION: It’s time to untame the mighty Mississippi River and stop wasting millions of dollars of sediment each year nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time to untame the mighty Mississippi River and stop wasting millions of dollars of sediment each year  
OPINION: California offers valuable lessons for meeting freshwater needs in the face of climate change nbsp; Voices OPINION: California offers valuable lessons for meeting freshwater needs in the face of climate change  
OPINION: It’s time to rethink our marine conservation priorities nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time to rethink our marine conservation priorities  
OPINION: The good, the bad and the way forward in the Amazon nbsp; Voices OPINION: The good, the bad and the way forward in the Amazon  
OPINION: Here’s a way you probably haven’t thought of to reduce allergies and asthma nbsp; Voices OPINION: Here’s a way you probably haven’t thought of to reduce allergies and asthma  
OPINION: As climate changes, we need the arts more than ever nbsp; Voices OPINION: As climate changes, we need the arts more than ever  
Opinion: Urban greening is good for the environment. Let’s ensure it’s good for local people, too. nbsp; Voices Opinion: Urban greening is good for the environment. Let’s ensure it’s good for local people, too.  
OPINION: Managed well, feedlots can be the environmentally and ethically smart choice nbsp; Voices OPINION: Managed well, feedlots can be the environmentally and ethically smart choice  
OPINION: To solve climate change, we need to recognize our unity with all of nature nbsp; Voices OPINION: To solve climate change, we need to recognize our unity with all of nature  
OPINION: As communities rebuild after disaster, we must keep nature in mind nbsp; Voices OPINION: As communities rebuild after disaster, we must keep nature in mind  
OPINION: Is climate change driving you to despair? Read this. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Is climate change driving you to despair? Read this.  
OPINION: Eat a (farmed) fish, save the planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: Eat a (farmed) fish, save the planet  
OPINION: When genetic engineering is the environmentally friendly choice nbsp; Voices OPINION: When genetic engineering is the environmentally friendly choice  
Opinion: Clean water is a basic human right, and we can and should make it affordable to everyone nbsp; Voices Opinion: Clean water is a basic human right, and we can and should make it affordable to everyone  
OPINION: Here’s what we need to accelerate progress on the UN’s 2030 global energy goals nbsp; Voices OPINION: Here’s what we need to accelerate progress on the UN’s 2030 global energy goals  
Opinion: This polluted lake shows why we are all stakeholders when it comes to clean water nbsp; Voices Opinion: This polluted lake shows why we are all stakeholders when it comes to clean water  
OPINION: Climate change is more than a tech problem, so we need more than a tech solution nbsp; Voices OPINION: Climate change is more than a tech problem, so we need more than a tech solution  
OPINION: Health care may be in a state of flux — but health care sustainability is here to stay nbsp; Voices OPINION: Health care may be in a state of flux — but health care sustainability is here to stay  
OPINION: The conservative carbon tax: Right idea, wrong tool for addressing climate change nbsp; Voices OPINION: The conservative carbon tax: Right idea, wrong tool for addressing climate change  
OPINION: What we need are farms that support farmers, consumers AND the environment nbsp; Voices OPINION: What we need are farms that support farmers, consumers AND the environment  
OPINION: To create meaningful change, apparel brands need to pursue sustainability at the industry level nbsp; Voices OPINION: To create meaningful change, apparel brands need to pursue sustainability at the industry level  
OPINION: Changing times call for changes in how we protect and restore habitat​ nbsp; Voices OPINION: Changing times call for changes in how we protect and restore habitat​  
OPINION: Three ways you can help your health while helping the environment nbsp; Voices OPINION: Three ways you can help your health while helping the environment  
OPINION: Now more than ever we need to address the environment and human rights together nbsp; Voices OPINION: Now more than ever we need to address the environment and human rights together  
OPINION: How renewable energy advocates are hurting the climate cause nbsp; Voices OPINION: How renewable energy advocates are hurting the climate cause  
OPINION: The amazing opportunity 2017 is bringing to business nbsp; Voices OPINION: The amazing opportunity 2017 is bringing to business  
OPINION: We’ve done a good job of envisioning a better world. Now we need to build it. nbsp; Voices OPINION: We’ve done a good job of envisioning a better world. Now we need to build it.  
OPINION: For our food system’s sake, let’s say “no” to corporate consolidation nbsp; Voices OPINION: For our food system’s sake, let’s say “no” to corporate consolidation  
OPINION: Technology got us into this climate mess, and it can help get us out — if we let it nbsp; Voices OPINION: Technology got us into this climate mess, and it can help get us out — if we let it  
OPINION: It’s time to stop overspending our freshwater budget nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time to stop overspending our freshwater budget  
OPINION: Nature is priceless — so let’s value it nbsp; Voices OPINION: Nature is priceless — so let’s value it  
OPINION: If you care about your health, then you should care about conservation nbsp; Voices OPINION: If you care about your health, then you should care about conservation  
OPINION: Why nature and wildlife need their own seats at the UN nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why nature and wildlife need their own seats at the UN  

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