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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


How should climate change be taught in schools across America? nbsp; Feature How should climate change be taught in schools across America?  
Researchers recommend chemistry educators focus more on environmental impacts   Researchers recommend chemistry educators focus more on environmental impacts Notable
Opinion: A new generation of leaders understands that individual actions won’t fix our environmental problems nbsp; Voices Opinion: A new generation of leaders understands that individual actions won’t fix our environmental problems  
Opinion: The “yellow vests” show that in France, as elsewhere, a green economy must be a fair economy first nbsp; Voices Opinion: The “yellow vests” show that in France, as elsewhere, a green economy must be a fair economy first  
What price tag would you put on a walk in the woods? nbsp; Article What price tag would you put on a walk in the woods?  
How 2.4 billion gamers might help save the planet   How 2.4 billion gamers might help save the planet Notable
The term “resilience” is everywhere — but what does it really mean? nbsp; Article The term “resilience” is everywhere — but what does it really mean?  
People are flocking to see melting glaciers before they’re gone — bringing both benefit and harm nbsp; Feature People are flocking to see melting glaciers before they’re gone — bringing both benefit and harm  
7 recommendations for incorporating indigenous perspectives into biodiversity conservation   7 recommendations for incorporating indigenous perspectives into biodiversity conservation Notable
Across the U.S., flood survivors are growing in number — and they aren’t just seeking restitution, but answers nbsp; Feature Across the U.S., flood survivors are growing in number — and they aren’t just seeking restitution, but answers  
Millions of dollars’ worth of food ends up in school trash cans every day. What can we do? nbsp; Feature Millions of dollars’ worth of food ends up in school trash cans every day. What can we do?  
As palm oil production ramps up in Africa, communities work to avoid problems plaguing other regions nbsp; Feature As palm oil production ramps up in Africa, communities work to avoid problems plaguing other regions  
From the Himalayas to the Arctic, traditional herders are sharing knowledge to cope with a changing climate nbsp; Feature From the Himalayas to the Arctic, traditional herders are sharing knowledge to cope with a changing climate  
Climate change is fueling wildfires around the world. Can indigenous knowledge help us manage them? nbsp; Feature Climate change is fueling wildfires around the world. Can indigenous knowledge help us manage them?  
As Bolsonaro takes the helm in Brazil, environmental organizations ramp up efforts to protect the Amazon nbsp; Feature As Bolsonaro takes the helm in Brazil, environmental organizations ramp up efforts to protect the Amazon  
Across Appalachia, historic coal towns are looking to the outdoor economy for their next act nbsp; Feature Across Appalachia, historic coal towns are looking to the outdoor economy for their next act  
Opinion: What my mother’s death taught me about saving the planet. We can’t, and here’s why. nbsp; Voices Opinion: What my mother’s death taught me about saving the planet. We can’t, and here’s why.  
Opinion: Energy development threatens big game herds in Wyoming (and why it matters outside the state, too) nbsp; Voices Opinion: Energy development threatens big game herds in Wyoming (and why it matters outside the state, too)  
Opinion: Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it nbsp; Voices Opinion: Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it  
Taiwan has one of the highest recycling rates in the world. Here’s how that happened. nbsp; Feature Taiwan has one of the highest recycling rates in the world. Here’s how that happened.  
Watch: Finding common ground on the environment in a partisan political climate nbsp; Video Watch: Finding common ground on the environment in a partisan political climate  
OPINION: Let’s follow New Zealand’s lead and make people and nature as important as GDP nbsp; Voices OPINION: Let’s follow New Zealand’s lead and make people and nature as important as GDP  
OPINION: Now more than ever, scientists need to communicate better. Here’s how. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Now more than ever, scientists need to communicate better. Here’s how.  
OPINION: Science denialism is dangerous. But so is science imperialism. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Science denialism is dangerous. But so is science imperialism.  
OPINION: If we want to solve complex social and environmental problems, we need to think in terms of systems nbsp; Voices OPINION: If we want to solve complex social and environmental problems, we need to think in terms of systems  
U.S. environmental groups are largely white. Here’s what some are — and some aren’t — doing about it. nbsp; Feature U.S. environmental groups are largely white. Here’s what some are — and some aren’t — doing about it.  
From Australia to El Salvador to Vietnam, the environment is finally getting its day in court nbsp; Feature From Australia to El Salvador to Vietnam, the environment is finally getting its day in court  
The electric vehicle boom is coming. What can we learn from early adopters? nbsp; Feature The electric vehicle boom is coming. What can we learn from early adopters?  
New life for toxic land nbsp; Feature New life for toxic land  
Why TV meteorologists are talking about beer, chocolate, peaches and poison ivy nbsp; Feature Why TV meteorologists are talking about beer, chocolate, peaches and poison ivy  
OPINION: Here’s a way you probably haven’t thought of to reduce allergies and asthma nbsp; Voices OPINION: Here’s a way you probably haven’t thought of to reduce allergies and asthma  
OPINION: As climate changes, we need the arts more than ever nbsp; Voices OPINION: As climate changes, we need the arts more than ever  
Humans need to learn to co-exist with wildfires. Here’s how we can do it. nbsp; Feature Humans need to learn to co-exist with wildfires. Here’s how we can do it.  
Disasters are destroying places we hold dear. What we do next will make all the difference. nbsp; Feature Disasters are destroying places we hold dear. What we do next will make all the difference.  
Watch: How the wood duck nearly disappeared — then bounced back despite the odds nbsp; Video Watch: How the wood duck nearly disappeared — then bounced back despite the odds  
Opinion: Urban greening is good for the environment. Let’s ensure it’s good for local people, too. nbsp; Voices Opinion: Urban greening is good for the environment. Let’s ensure it’s good for local people, too.  
Watch: How a “Fixers Club” in Argentina is pushing back against our throwaway culture nbsp; Video Watch: How a “Fixers Club” in Argentina is pushing back against our throwaway culture  
These Montana ranchers are helping grizzlies, wolves and cattle coexist nbsp; Feature These Montana ranchers are helping grizzlies, wolves and cattle coexist  
OPINION: To solve climate change, we need to recognize our unity with all of nature nbsp; Voices OPINION: To solve climate change, we need to recognize our unity with all of nature  
Could this one simple idea be the key to solving farmer–environmentalist conflicts? nbsp; Article Could this one simple idea be the key to solving farmer–environmentalist conflicts?  
After 350 million piñons die, scientists fear for this forest’s future nbsp; Feature After 350 million piñons die, scientists fear for this forest’s future  
OPINION: Is climate change driving you to despair? Read this. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Is climate change driving you to despair? Read this.  
Home and away: New report offers tools and strategies for successful climate relocation   Home and away: New report offers tools and strategies for successful climate relocation Notable
Atlanta’s visionary BeltLine is a model for the future of urban green space nbsp; Article Atlanta’s visionary BeltLine is a model for the future of urban green space  
How California’s greenhouse gas laws can better serve disadvantaged communities nbsp; Feature How California’s greenhouse gas laws can better serve disadvantaged communities  
When life hands you weeds, make weed art nbsp; Photo When life hands you weeds, make weed art  
Watch: Faith and environmental stewardship on the farm fields of eastern Iowa nbsp; Video Watch: Faith and environmental stewardship on the farm fields of eastern Iowa  
Opinion: Clean water is a basic human right, and we can and should make it affordable to everyone nbsp; Voices Opinion: Clean water is a basic human right, and we can and should make it affordable to everyone  
Watch: How a Costa Rican cooperative slashed the carbon footprint of coffee nbsp; Video Watch: How a Costa Rican cooperative slashed the carbon footprint of coffee  
OPINION: Climate change is more than a tech problem, so we need more than a tech solution nbsp; Voices OPINION: Climate change is more than a tech problem, so we need more than a tech solution  

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