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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


OPINION: Protecting coastal wetlands is one of the smartest investments we can make nbsp; Voices OPINION: Protecting coastal wetlands is one of the smartest investments we can make  
OPINION: Pay Now or Pay More Later nbsp; Voices OPINION: Pay Now or Pay More Later  
OPINION: Mapping the Course nbsp; Voices OPINION: Mapping the Course  
OPINION: Food + Energy = Crisis? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Food + Energy = Crisis?  
OPINION: Together, We Save Forests nbsp; Voices OPINION: Together, We Save Forests  
OPINION: Fixing Palm Oil’s Other Climate Threat nbsp; Voices OPINION: Fixing Palm Oil’s Other Climate Threat  
OPINION: The Elephant in the Wildlife Trade Conversation nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Elephant in the Wildlife Trade Conversation  
OPINION: GMOs, Silver Bullets and the Trap of Reductionist Thinking nbsp; Voices OPINION: GMOs, Silver Bullets and the Trap of Reductionist Thinking  
OPINION: What does a sustainable future actually look like? nbsp; Voices OPINION: What does a sustainable future actually look like?  
OPINION: The Periphery Isn’t Peripheral nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Periphery Isn’t Peripheral  
OPINION: Is eradication the best response to invasive species? Consider the cane toad. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Is eradication the best response to invasive species? Consider the cane toad.  
OPINION: In a Global Warming World: Protect and Rebuild or Retreat? nbsp; Voices OPINION: In a Global Warming World: Protect and Rebuild or Retreat?  
OPINION: Would you invite an environmentalist to your party? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Would you invite an environmentalist to your party?  
OPINION: Preserving Nature Isn’t About Aesthetics. It’s About Necessity. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Preserving Nature Isn’t About Aesthetics. It’s About Necessity.  
OPINION: Forget Development Goals. Focus on Community Empowerment. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Forget Development Goals. Focus on Community Empowerment.  
OPINION: 2014: The Year of Family Farming nbsp; Voices OPINION: 2014: The Year of Family Farming  
OPINION: Could Power Plants Help Solve the Climate Problem? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Could Power Plants Help Solve the Climate Problem?  
OPINION: The First Energy Technology nbsp; Voices OPINION: The First Energy Technology  
OPINION: Breakthrough Collaboration nbsp; Voices OPINION: Breakthrough Collaboration  
OPINION: A New Model for Climate Advocacy nbsp; Voices OPINION: A New Model for Climate Advocacy  
OPINION: The Real Lesson From Typhoon Haiyan nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Real Lesson From Typhoon Haiyan  
OPINION: Changing the Global Food Narrative nbsp; Voices OPINION: Changing the Global Food Narrative  
OPINION: The Other Reason for Divestment nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Other Reason for Divestment  
OPINION: Palm Oil Is Everywhere. Here’s What to Do About It. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Palm Oil Is Everywhere. Here’s What to Do About It.  
OPINION: Creating a Moving Case for Climate Action nbsp; Voices OPINION: Creating a Moving Case for Climate Action  
OPINION: Thinking the Climate Unthinkable nbsp; Voices OPINION: Thinking the Climate Unthinkable  
OPINION: Breaking the Cycle of Climate Inaction nbsp; Voices OPINION: Breaking the Cycle of Climate Inaction  
OPINION: The Value of Talking About Values nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Value of Talking About Values  
OPINION: How to Read a Sustainability Report nbsp; Voices OPINION: How to Read a Sustainability Report  
OPINION: China Is a Model for Going Green (Despite What You Read) nbsp; Voices OPINION: China Is a Model for Going Green (Despite What You Read)  
OPINION: When Science Communication Backfires nbsp; Voices OPINION: When Science Communication Backfires  
OPINION: Millennials Drive a Change in Driving nbsp; Voices OPINION: Millennials Drive a Change in Driving  
OPINION: Air Conditioning Is Not the Enemy nbsp; Voices OPINION: Air Conditioning Is Not the Enemy  
OPINION: Six Habits of Leading Sustainable Enterprises nbsp; Voices OPINION: Six Habits of Leading Sustainable Enterprises  
OPINION: Your diet matters to our planet – here’s why nbsp; Voices OPINION: Your diet matters to our planet – here’s why  
OPINION: The Bridge to Zero Carbon nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Bridge to Zero Carbon  
OPINION: Remembering the Dreams of Our Ancestors nbsp; Voices OPINION: Remembering the Dreams of Our Ancestors  
OPINION: The Culture of Disaster nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Culture of Disaster  
OPINION: If the environmental movement is to succeed, it must represent all of us nbsp; Voices OPINION: If the environmental movement is to succeed, it must represent all of us  
OPINION: Something Wicked Is Already Here nbsp; Voices OPINION: Something Wicked Is Already Here  
OPINION: Pregnant Pause nbsp; Voices OPINION: Pregnant Pause  
OPINION: Food Rethought nbsp; Voices OPINION: Food Rethought  
OPINION: Why Not Burn Waste? nbsp; Voices OPINION: Why Not Burn Waste?  
OPINION: Energy Efficiency: Beware of Overpromises nbsp; Voices OPINION: Energy Efficiency: Beware of Overpromises  
OPINION: The Dangers of Going Green nbsp; Voices OPINION: The Dangers of Going Green  
OPINION: Wasted Opportunity nbsp; Voices OPINION: Wasted Opportunity  
OPINION: A Market-friendly Approach to Energy nbsp; Voices OPINION: A Market-friendly Approach to Energy  
OPINION: Six “Know Thys” of Sustainability nbsp; Voices OPINION: Six “Know Thys” of Sustainability  
OPINION: Solar Power Is Inevitable nbsp; Voices OPINION: Solar Power Is Inevitable  
OPINION: Fast Evolution nbsp; Voices OPINION: Fast Evolution  

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