Do you think the world needs more high-quality, trustworthy environmental reporting? Stories that bridge partisan divides and move beyond problems to explore solutions? And guidance for tomorrow’s environmental communicators?

If you answered yes to these questions, then we need your help today!

Your tax-deductible contribution to Ensia supports coverage of important and often underreported topics, allows us to share our solutions-focused stories with other media outlets — and millions of readers — around the world, and helps build a bright future for environmental journalism through our signature mentor program.

Here’s a sample of what past donors have gotten in return for their investment in Ensia:

If you think we could use more of this type of high-quality, in-depth journalism in 2017, then please show your support today.

As a special gift to those who donate at least $100 by Dec. 31, 2016, we’ll send a limited-edition copy of our beautiful new “Best of the Year | Year Ahead” print issue.

Thank you!