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Published at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet

reporting on our changing planet.


Our clothes are contaminating our planet with tiny plastic threads nbsp; Feature Our clothes are contaminating our planet with tiny plastic threads  
The race is on to decarbonize the 50,000-plus ships that carry our stuff around the world nbsp; Feature The race is on to decarbonize the 50,000-plus ships that carry our stuff around the world  
You know clean air is good for your health. It’s good for the economy, too. nbsp; Feature You know clean air is good for your health. It’s good for the economy, too.  
What will we do with all those solar panels when their useful life is over? nbsp; Feature What will we do with all those solar panels when their useful life is over?  
New life for toxic land nbsp; Feature New life for toxic land  
Food by local farmers. Distribution system by ants. nbsp; Article Food by local farmers. Distribution system by ants.  
Can business save the world from climate change? nbsp; Feature Can business save the world from climate change?  
On the thawing tundra, researchers race to understand black carbon’s climate impact nbsp; Feature On the thawing tundra, researchers race to understand black carbon’s climate impact  
How California’s greenhouse gas laws can better serve disadvantaged communities nbsp; Feature How California’s greenhouse gas laws can better serve disadvantaged communities  
Is the United States ready for offshore aquaculture? nbsp; Feature Is the United States ready for offshore aquaculture?  
In the fishing industry, gear recycling is finally catching on nbsp; Feature In the fishing industry, gear recycling is finally catching on  
Opinion: This polluted lake shows why we are all stakeholders when it comes to clean water nbsp; Voices Opinion: This polluted lake shows why we are all stakeholders when it comes to clean water  
OPINION: Health care may be in a state of flux — but health care sustainability is here to stay nbsp; Voices OPINION: Health care may be in a state of flux — but health care sustainability is here to stay  
What rural Alaska can teach the world about renewable energy nbsp; Feature What rural Alaska can teach the world about renewable energy  
The growing wild plant and animal trade holds both promise and peril nbsp; Feature The growing wild plant and animal trade holds both promise and peril  
OPINION: To create meaningful change, apparel brands need to pursue sustainability at the industry level nbsp; Voices OPINION: To create meaningful change, apparel brands need to pursue sustainability at the industry level  
Companies from Chanel to Ben and Jerry’s are benefiting from the new “carbon insetting” trend nbsp; Feature Companies from Chanel to Ben and Jerry’s are benefiting from the new “carbon insetting” trend  
What can blockchain do for the environment? nbsp; Feature What can blockchain do for the environment?  
OPINION: The amazing opportunity 2017 is bringing to business nbsp; Voices OPINION: The amazing opportunity 2017 is bringing to business  
How “open source” seed producers from the U.S. to India are changing global food production nbsp; Feature How “open source” seed producers from the U.S. to India are changing global food production  
Cleaner, healthier cookstoves may — at long last — be catching on nbsp; Feature Cleaner, healthier cookstoves may — at long last — be catching on  
Study shows online consumers want environmentally friendly options   Study shows online consumers want environmentally friendly options Notable
Sustainability is good business — and here’s proof   Sustainability is good business — and here’s proof Notable
Northern shipping: Is the anticipated climate boost a bust?   Northern shipping: Is the anticipated climate boost a bust? Notable
Does it really matter whether companies track their carbon footprints? nbsp; Feature Does it really matter whether companies track their carbon footprints?  
Why are retailers throwing out perfectly good milk by the truckloads? nbsp; Video Why are retailers throwing out perfectly good milk by the truckloads?  
OPINION: What smart businesses know about corporate social responsibility nbsp; Voices OPINION: What smart businesses know about corporate social responsibility  
OPINION: When it comes to addressing climate change, skepticism is easy — but optimism is warranted nbsp; Voices OPINION: When it comes to addressing climate change, skepticism is easy — but optimism is warranted  
OPINION: How climate risk is like a flaming truck barreling toward us, and why it’s time to hit the brakes nbsp; Voices OPINION: How climate risk is like a flaming truck barreling toward us, and why it’s time to hit the brakes  
OPINION: How institutional investors can alleviate climate change while boosting the global economy nbsp; Voices OPINION: How institutional investors can alleviate climate change while boosting the global economy  
OPINION: Want a more sustainable world? Let women lead the way. nbsp; Voices OPINION: Want a more sustainable world? Let women lead the way.  
OPINION: It’s time for the health care industry to raise its voice on climate change nbsp; Voices OPINION: It’s time for the health care industry to raise its voice on climate change  
Environmental restoration is big business   Environmental restoration is big business Notable
What’s the role of the private sector in solving environmental challenges? nbsp; Video What’s the role of the private sector in solving environmental challenges?  
Cotton, cashmere, chemicals … what really goes into making our clothes? nbsp; Feature Cotton, cashmere, chemicals … what really goes into making our clothes?  
OPINION: Putting the world’s challenges at the heart of business nbsp; Voices OPINION: Putting the world’s challenges at the heart of business  
How good is that environmental nonprofit, anyway? nbsp; Feature How good is that environmental nonprofit, anyway?  
Urban farming is booming, but what does it really yield? nbsp; Feature Urban farming is booming, but what does it really yield?  
OPINION: Only capitalism can save the planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: Only capitalism can save the planet  
How climate adaptation experts help companies prepare for disaster nbsp; Feature How climate adaptation experts help companies prepare for disaster  
OPINION: 9 reasons not to be depressed about the planet nbsp; Voices OPINION: 9 reasons not to be depressed about the planet  
How do you solve a problem like plastic pollution? nbsp; Infographic How do you solve a problem like plastic pollution?  
Here’s a way to pay for a healthier planet nbsp; Feature Here’s a way to pay for a healthier planet  
If a tree falls in the supply chain …   If a tree falls in the supply chain … Notable
Looking for a solid investment? How about conservation?   Looking for a solid investment? How about conservation? Notable
How did palm oil become such a problem — and what can we do about it? nbsp; Feature How did palm oil become such a problem — and what can we do about it?  
Breaking Boundaries in Minneapolis   Breaking Boundaries in Minneapolis Update
OPINION: With more investment, the developing world can lead the way to a low-carbon future nbsp; Voices OPINION: With more investment, the developing world can lead the way to a low-carbon future  
Dyeing to be green   Dyeing to be green Notable
Efrat Peled: Good Business nbsp; Interview Efrat Peled: Good Business  

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