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Menu  University of Minnesota

Iddo Wernick

Senior fellow, Breakthrough Institute
For over two decades, Iddo Wernick has worked in the field of industrial ecology - the study of industrial activity as a part of ecological systems. An applied physicist by training, Dr. Wernick has taught courses at Yeshiva University and Columbia University and currently teaches courses on Industrial Ecology and Energy Systems in the Masters in Sustainability program at the City College of New York.  Wernick co-founded Ecos Technologies, an environmental knowledge management software venture in 2000, and later served as a project leader at the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC. Dr. Wernick also worked for 5 years as a clinical medical physicist in New York City.  Besides teaching he is a senior research associate at the Program for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University where he continues his work on the interactions between societal resource use and the human environment.  He lives with his wife and eight children in New Jersey.


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